Adding Quotes and Testimonials

Note: You must be an advanced author to gain access to this functionality. Please contact the Director of Web Development or the Web Developer to get access.

Advanced web authors have access to three components for adding quotes to their webpages. These are great options for including alumni testimonials, student spotlights or faculty quotes.


Alumni Testimonial Component

Winthrop Graduate '23

Winthrop Graduate

School District

Master of Arts in Teaching

"The component requires the person's name, graduation year(s), picture and quote. You can optionally include the program they graduated from, their current job title and employer. The component will automatically add the quotation marks at the start and end of the quote, and will also include a horizontal rule at the bottom to help separate the quote from content that comes after. The quote can include bold or italic text."

Blockquote Component

"The Blockquote Component only requires the quote and attribution (i.e. the person's name and any other information you'd like to include. The photo is optional. "

a student in a suit smiling at an event

"This is an example of a blockquote that includes an image. You can resize your browser window to see how the design adjusts on different screen sizes."

Testimonial Slider Component

The Testimonial Slider is the most basic of the components—it can only have plain text quotes and plain text attributions with no images. It is great for pages that have a lot of quotes so users don't have to scroll a long way.

Step-by-Step Instructions

    1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the alumni testimonial, and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
      a screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
    2. Click on Alumni Testimonial from the component list, and then click Insert.
    3. Fill out the details, and then click Save.
      1. Important: If you are going to copy and paste text into the Quote section, you must click the three dots and then the "Paste as Text" icon indicated below before you paste your text in.
        a screenshot of the text editor toolbar with the paste as text icon circled
    4. To edit or delete the testimonial, click anywhere on it and then click one of the icons that appears at the bottom: the pencil icon to edit or the X icon to delete.
    5. Once you are done editing, save and publish your page normally.
    1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the blockquote, and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
      a screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
    2. Click on Blockquote from the component list, and then click Insert.
    3. Fill out the details, and then click Save.
    4. To edit or delete the testimonial, click anywhere on it and then click one of the icons that appears at the bottom: the pencil icon to edit or the X icon to delete.
    5. Once you are done editing, save and publish your page normally.
    1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the slider, and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
      a screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
    2. Click on Testimonial Slider from the component list, and then click Insert.
    3. Fill out the Quote and Attribution boxes for the first and second quote. If you want to have more than two quotes in the slider, click "Add New Group" at the bottom of the dialogue box and then fill out the information for the additional quote. You can keep clicking "Add New Group" to add more quotes.
    4. Once you have added all of your quotes, click Save. A blue placeholder bar will appear on the page while you are editing.
    5. To edit or delete the slider, click anywhere on the blue bar and then click one of the icons that appears at the bottom: the pencil icon to edit or the X icon to delete.
    6. To remove a single quote, open the slider to edit it, and then click the x in the upper right corner of the group for the quote you want to remove.
    7. Once you are done editing, save and publish your page normally.