CPOPR Interviewer Training

CPOPR Callers


General Training

CPOPR Telephone Interviewers are trained on how to be a good interviewer who is effective at gathering scientifically accurate data. While collecting data, there are methodological protocols that must be followed. The CPOPR utilized both virtual and in-person methods for New Interviewer Training.

In training we cover what are called “response effects.” This term refers to the situation where something about the survey process alters the opinion that the respondent chooses to express. The CPOPR strives to create scientifically valid survey instruments through neutral and unbiased question wording and the careful placement of questions in an order where previous answers will not become deterministic of later answers. However, the interaction respondents have with the interviewer may trigger a “response effect.” In attempt to avoid introducing “response effects” interviewers must follow certain protocols, such as using neutral probes or follow-ups so the respondent does not answer in a way they feel will ‘please the interviewer’ or be the ‘right answer.’

Response effects, different types of polling, survey procedures, and more are covered in the CPOPR’s Introductory Manual for New Callers.


Sensitive Topics/Population Training

While this is not the case for Winthrop Polls, for certain contracts, the CPOPR may be asking sensitive questions (like whether a household experienced problems with alcohol abuse in the past year for a human needs assessment survey) or dealing with sensitive populations (like program evaluations where the participants are elderly and low-income). 

When this is the case, interviewers are required to undergo additional human subjects research training.  The program which meets federal guidelines and is approved for use by Winthrop's Institutional Review Board (which reviews all research involving human subjects according to federal guidelines: Title 45CFR46) is the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative.