Since 2010, Winthrop undergraduates have spent their summers participating in mathematics research projects. Current topics include graph theory, modern algebra, probability theory, mathematics education, and mathematical oncology. Over 100 students have participated in mathematics research over the past ten years, with funding provided by alumni, Winthrop University and a variety of external sources including an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program and the NIH-supported SC-INBRE program. Students interested in participating in summer research should contact either Dr. K. Abernathy or Dr. Z. Abernathy.
Selected Program Highlights:
Support Needed:
Winthrop faculty have secured financial support for undergraduate research through a variety of external sources. However, funding is often targeted to particular goals, and may not be appropriate for all individual students. Please consider making a gift to help provide support for undergraduate research at Winthrop. These supplemental funds are necessary to ensure that all Winthrop students with a demonstrated commitment to mathematics have access to mentored undergraduate research experiences. Funding helps ensure that undergraduates receive