Student Services

Mentor Program

Prospective Mentors

Benefits | Your Role | Mentee's Role | Minimum Requirements | Apply to be a Mentor

The College of Business launched Mentoring Business Minds (MBM), a mentor program, in Fall 2016 to connect recent alumni with current students. The program is intended to help students transition from college to career; and who better to help than alumni who have recently been in the same position? Mentors will be required to interact with each mentee at least once a month (September, October, November, February, March, and April) and restrictions will be based off of each mentor's schedule and preferences.


  • Build and keep a relationship with Winthrop and the College of Business
  • Build on your network
  • Share professional and personal experience
  • Help develop future leaders
  • Develop skills in leadership and communication
  • Feel good about yourself 

Your Role

  • Encourage and support mentee
  • Guide mentee to set realistic goals
  • Provide insight and direction based off of knowledge and experience
  • Respond to mentee within reasonable time
  • Establish boundaries
  • Provide feedback

Mentee's Role

  • Contact mentor for interaction
  • Commit to actively participate in self-reflection and self-development
  • Be respectful to mentor and time
  • Be open to suggestions and advice from mentor
  • Be prepared and engaged
  • Be responsive to mentor within reasonable time
  • Set clear and realistic goals
  • Honor commitments
  • Show professionalism
  • Provide feedback
  • Ask questions

Mentor Minimum Requirements

  • Complete mentor application and agreement form
  • Must be employed full-time for at least one year
  • Must be a Winthrop Alum from the College of Business
  • A school year long (August- May) commitment

To apply to be a mentor, please click here.

For a list of upcoming events, please view and like our Facebook page or click here.

If you have any questions or for more information about MBM you can e-mail us directly at