Academic Internships

Earning Academic Credit for an Internship

Before you start - Take a look at the Internship Information Presentation (7.2 MB pdf)

*If you have already accepted an internship, complete the Internship Agreement and scroll to the section labelled "Confirm Your Eligibility" for further instructions. 

**HCMT 491 is specific to the Healthcare Management concentration and has different requirements and specific timelines. If you are a Healthcare Management student, you need to contact Dr. Michael Matthews for further information and instructions. 

In almost all cases students can receive academic credit for working in an internship.  Class credit can be obtained for both paid and non-paid internships, as well as for local and international internship experiences.  All internship classes are worth three credit hours and in many cases count in a major.  We also have elective credit opportunities for students whose major or catalog year do not have a place for a major specific internship class.  There is a process to enroll in an internship class and this page will walk you thorough that process.  International students interested in an internship must be enrolled in class but should also check with the international office about other parameters surrounding internship for international students.

Find an Internship

Begin looking for an internship several months before you hope to begin. Many of our faculty member are great resources for helping students find internships.  Be sure that you build a relationship with a faculty member or two in your area of study and begin talking with them about internship contacts.  They can also send out a resume for you on your behalf. Talk with the appropriate faculty member listed below, based on your major, to let them know you are interested in finding an internship and provide the faculty member with a copy of your resume. You should also look for internship postings on Handshake, LinkedIn, Indeed, and more. Visit the Center for Career Development and Internships to get assistance if needed.

Here is also a list of Internships that were sent directly to our office: Open Internships


Understand How it Works and What is Required

Read the Internship Fact Sheet to get the basic information and review all information in the table below.

Confirm Your Eligibility

College of Business juniors, seniors, and MBA students are eligible to participate in an internship if they meet specified criteria based on the student's degree program. These College of Business internships will award 3 hours of academic credit toward your major. Contact Student Services to confirm your eligibility, where you will also find help to fill out all of the appropriate forms, review your catalog for the appropriate class to place you in, confirm your GPA requirement and will be sure that you have met all class pre-requisites.  They will also assist you in getting registered for class. 


Get Approval

Before you can be enrolled in the internship class, you will need to have completed and submitted the INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT. For Spring 2025 internships, submit the paperwork to Taya Andrews in Student Services. For Summer 2025 internships, submit the paperwork to Lisa Greffeuille, Coordinator for Career and Experiential Learning.

*To use the fillable form, you must save it to your computer first.  

Once all of those documents are submitted, your package of information will be submitted to the appropriate instructor for approval.  After all requirements have been met and the internship has been approved by the appropriate members in the College of Business and Technology, you will then receive help getting registered for the appropriate internship class.  

Begin the Class

Unlike other classes, the internship class does not meet every week.  Once the class begins it is YOUR responsibility to follow the syllabus and turn all time sheets and other assignments in on time. Be sure to contact your instructor if you have any questions or need some guidance.


Degree Program Internship Course Instructor Minimum GPA Links
Accounting (ACCT 491) & Finance (FINC 491) Dr. Adriana Cordis 2.75 Handbook
Economics (ECON 491) Dr. Adriana Cordis 2.5 Handbook
Computer Science,
Computer Information Systems (CSCI 491, 492)
Dr. Stephen Dannelly 2.5 Handbook
Management (MGMT 491), Marketing (MKTG 491),
Entrepreneurship (ENTR 491),
International Business (BADM 492),
General Business (BADM 491)
Spring - Dr. Michael Matthews
Summer - Dr. Michael Matthews
Fall - Larry Stevens
2.0 (BADM)
MBA (BADM 694) Dr. Michael Matthews 3.0 Handbook