Faculty & Staff Profiles

Name:  Britta Livengood
Title:  Instructor - Middle Level Education
Education: M.Ed., Literacy, Pennsylvania Western University; B.S., Education, State University of New York at Fredonia
Office:  208 Withers/W.T.S. Building   
Phone:  803/323-2151
E-mail:  livengoodb@winthrop.edu  
Area(s): Middle Level Education and supervision; Mentoring; Literacy

Mrs. Livengood earned her bachelor's in Education from the State University of New York at Fredonia and her master's in Literacy from Pennsylvania Western University. She was a teacher in New York for seven years before moving to South Carolina where she continued teaching middle school in the Fort Mill School District. Mrs. Livengood has taught a range of subjects and grades in middle school including science, English language arts, and math. She also has experience as a middle school Literacy Specialist where she provided intervention to struggling readers as well as coaching teachers on incorporating literacy into their instruction. Her research interests include increasing school-wide parent and community involvement, especially with at-risk students.