
How can I become a member?

Full Membership:  All retired faculty of Winthrop University who have received the title of emeritus or emerita faculty are eligible to become Full Members of the Emeriti College. All other retired faculty of Winthrop University who have served at least five years at the University and 15 years in the academic profession may apply for acceptance and full membership.

Affiliate Members:  Upon their retirement, Winthrop retirees who had teaching, administrative, or research careers that are congruent with the mission of the university and the Emeriti College may apply to be Affiliate Members.  Once approved, Affiliate Members may participate in all functions of the Emeriti College but may not vote or hold office.

Associate Membership:  Retired faculty of other colleges or universities who have received the title of emeritus or emerita may apply to be Associate Members.  Once approved, Associate Members have the rights and privileges of regular members.

Life Membership category:  Life members qualify for the Winthrop University’s President’s Circle and associated benefits for the year they join.

Information regarding dues are available on the application.