Administrative Fee Pmt Plan:Charged each term that a student signs up for a payment plan. This is a one-time,
non-refundable fee charged at the time the student enrolls in the payment plan. Pleasecontact Cashiers Officewith questions: 803/323-2167.
Course Fee: Charged per semester, course fees vary depending on the particular course in which
a student is enrolled. Course fees are for courses in which specialized supplies or
assessments are used. Course fees are not refundable after the first week of class.
Please consult the course catalog to see which courses have lab fees.
Environmental Safety Fee:Charged per semester, the environmental safety fee is a mandatory fee for all students.
First Day Fee:Charged upon enrollment for the course, the First Day fee covers the cost of the digital
course materials for the course. Students have the option to opt-out of this fee and
purchase the course materials separately. Opt-out requests must be received prior
to the course add/drop date.
Center for Student Wellness Fee: Charged per semester, the fee is assessed to undergraduate students enrolled in
6 or more credit hours and graduate students enrolled in 9 or more credit hours. The
fee is not insurance, but allows the student to use the services offered by Center
for Student Wellness and other support and testing services. To learn more about
the services provided please contact The Center for Student Wellness with questions: 803/323-2206.
Immunization Non-Compliance Fee:Charged to any student who has not satisfied all immunization requirements by the
first day of classes. Please contact Center for Student Wellness with questions: 803/323-2206
Lab fees:Charged per semester, lab fees vary depending on the particular course in which a
student is enrolled. Lab fees are for courses in which specialized equipment and consumable
supplies are used. Lab fees are not refundable after the first week of class. Please
consult thecourse catalogto see which courses have lab fees.
Late payment fee: Charged one day after the payment deadline to students who have not settled their
tuition and fees by the published Fee Payment Deadline. Students can avoid this fee by ensuring that their Financial Aid is complete and
any remaining out-of-pocket fees are paid in full. Students who are unable to pay
in full should utilize the Winthrop payment plan and make their first payment by the
payment deadline to avoid incurring this fee.
Library fee:Charged per semester, the library fee is assessed to all sophomores, juniors, seniors,
and graduate students.
Miscellaneous Fees:A student may incur other miscellaneous charges throughout the term. Common charges
may include orientation fees, library fines, lab printing charges, payment plan late
fees, traffic fines, health services, and others. Please contact Student Financial
Services with questions: 803/323-2165.
New Student Fee: Fee charged to First Time Freshman and Transfers without exception. Funds programs
and expenses related to Orientation, the Common Book, and Welcome Week.
Post Office Fee:Charged per semester, the Post Office fee is a mandatory fee for all students living
on campus.
Room and Meal Plan: Room charges and meal plan charges are charged per semester based on the residential
agreement. Please contact Residence Life with questions: 803/323-2223.
Undergrad (or Grad) In-state (or Out-of-State) Fees: Charged per semester, this is the per credit hour tuition charged to the student's
account. Campus-based students enrolled in 12 or more hours are charged a flat rate.
Online program students are charged per credit hour according to their program.
Vehicle Registration:Vehicles parked on university property must be registered with the Winthrop University
Police Department. Regular vehicle registration is for one academic year- September
1 through August 31. Pleasecontact the Winthrop University Police Departmentwith questions: 803/323-3333.