Syllabus Statement

All instructors are encouraged to include in their syllabi a statement which invites students with disabilities to meet with them in a confidential environment to discuss making arrangements for accommodations. This syllabus statement is critical for several reasons:

  • this statement both normalizes the accommodation process and helps to create a positive and welcoming environment for students with disabilities,
  • the statement creates a collaborative vehicle for providing accommodations, and
  • the statement serves as a reminder to students who need the accommodations that these arrangements need to be made.

The following is the Office of Accessibility’s recommended statement for course syllabi:

Winthrop University is committed to providing accessible learning experiences and equal access to education for all students. The syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.

If you are a student with a disability (including mental health concerns, chronic or temporary medical conditions, learning disabilities, etc.) and you anticipate or experience academic barriers due to the condition, please contact The Office of Accessibility (OA) via phone at 803/323-3290 or via e-mail at for information on accommodations, registration, and procedures. After receiving approval for accommodations through OA, please make arrangements with me as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely manner.