Test Center

Faculty Information

The OA Test Center is a supplemental service to Winthrop University faculty. Our mission is to assist faculty in their efforts to provide accommodated testing for students who are registered with the Office of Accessibility (OA) and approved for accommodated testing for the current semester. Due to limited space and staff, we are unable to proctor students not approved for testing accommodations through the OA Office.

The Test Center is located on the ground floor of Macfeat House in room 104. Our hours of operation are:

Fall/ Spring: Monday – Thursday from 8:00 am - 5:30 pm and Friday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

Summer Hours: Monday – Thursday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and CLOSED on Friday.


*All testing is by appointment only.*


    1. Winthrop students registered for testing accommodations through the Office of Accessibility.

      • NOTE: Students registered with the Office of Accessibility for testing accommodations may take their make-up exam at the Test Center ONLY if they were scheduled with us for the original test date.

        • For example, if the student originally requested to make use of their testing accommodations (e.g., extended time, Word, reduced distraction environment, etc.) with the Test Center, but for whatever reason, was unavailable on the day of the test, they could take their make-up exam at the Test Center (with the instructor's approval per the classroom make-up policy). If the student was not originally scheduled to take a test at the OA Test Center, the student would need to speak directly to their instructor regarding their make-up options.

        • WE CANNOT ACCOMMODATE DROP-IN TESTING regardless of disability status.

    2. Non-Winthrop Distance Learning students.

    3. Individuals in the community needing proctored standardized tests.

    • All students are required to present their Winthrop student ID upon arrival to the Test Center. No tests will be administered without proper identification.

    • Typically, tests are to be taken in one sitting unless a student has an accommodation that would necessitate bathroom breaks.

    • Test proctors utilize random walk-throughs, security mirrors, and computer monitoring software to ensure academic integrity.

    • Students are limited to approved testing materials at the test stations. Lockers are provided to store their personal belongings.

    • In the event of testing irregularities, a report documenting the incident will be sent to you and the Dean of Students Office. Signs indicating this reporting policy are posted at each test station as an additional deterrent.

    • Students registered with the Office of Accessibility for testing accommodations must request that their professors receive a Letter of Accommodation. This letter will notify you of their approved accommodations. Once that happens, you will use the link provided in the letter to approve any Alternative Testing Agreements for the semester. You may also submit an Alternative Testing Agreement through the Faculty AIM portal. Enter the same login credentials as you would use for your Winthrop e-mail account.

    • If a student has registered with the Office of Accessibility for testing accommodations, they will sign a Test Center Guidelines form each semester before testing with us. You may view the Test Center Guidelines on our student website.

    • Students are required to request all tests at least 5 business days in advance to ensure timely processing. This allows adequate time to locate seating availability, work out any accommodations and for you to submit testing materials/instructions. Students must log in to our AIM software to request each exam they plan on taking at the OA Test Center.

    • If you are experiencing students frequently not honoring the 5 business days rule, please help us reinforce the importance of adequate notice.

    • To ensure academic integrity, we require students to schedule when the rest of their classmates are taking the exam, unless there is a valid academic conflict. Please note that some testing accommodations may require that a student test outside of the set class time due to academic conflicts (i.e. extended time will interfere with another class or cause student to go past our hours of operation).

    • All hardcopy exams must be uploaded to AIM and will be returned in the same manner. Please be advised, blue books are difficult to scan and your student will be given lined notebook paper as an alternative.

    A scanned copy of their test is available for download by logging into your AIM Instructor Portal. Please view the following instructions on how to retrieve your test from AIM:

    • Log into the AIM Instructor Portal. Then, choose “Alternative Testing” on the left-hand side. Above the “Specify Alternative Testing Agreement” box on the right side, there are three options. Select the “Completed Exam Files” option. Scroll near the bottom and select “View” in the row with the student’s name in the “Completed Exams” section. Once you click “View” it will send you a code via your Winthrop e-mail account. Enter that code into the box. The code is only good for 20 minutes, so it’s best to complete the process right away or you will have to go through the steps above again.

    • If you need any assistance with this process, please contact the Test Center Operations Manager by e-mail at testcenter@winthrop.edu or call ext. 6173. You may also watch a YouTube Tutorial on the subject.


Faculty Accommodated Testing Resources and Info

Accommodated Testing Guidelines for Instructors - 157 KB

How to Complete an Alternative Testing Agreement in AIM - 909 KB

How to Upload a Test into AIM - 648 KB

Instructor AIM Portal - Alternative Testing Tutorial (Part I) - YouTube Video

Instructor AIM Portal - Alternative Testing Tutorial (Part II) - YouTube Video

Add Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor Password

Copy Test without LockDown Browser

Print an Assessment

Add Test Exceptions to a Test - 354 KB

Frequently Asked Questions for Accessible Online Classes

OA Accessibility Guidelines


Questions or Concerns?

We always welcome feedback. If you have suggestions that would improve the scheduling process or other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Test Center Operations Manager at testcenter@winthrop.edu or call 803/323-3290 (option #3), or ext. 6173.