
Accommodation Information Management (AIM)

Students registered with the Office of Accessibility (OA) use Accommodation Information Management (AIM) software to generate their Letters of Accommodaton (LOAs) and make accommodation requests each semester for all Winthrop courses:

  1. AIM will directly e-mail your instructors a copy of your LOA after you submit your requests in each course. You will receive a copy via e-mail, as well.
  2. Students can now schedule their accommodated exams at the Test Center using the online Alternative Testing Module.




Registered students will use the Student AIM Portal to enter the system to request letters, schedule exams, and more! Use the following documents as guides to request LOA's and for scheduling a test or quiz at the Test Center (if approved).

How to Send a Letter of Accommodation to an Instructor in AIM (PDF-1281KB)

How to Schedule a Quiz, Standard Exam, Midterm, or Final in AIM (PDF-927KB)


NOTE: To ensure that you do not miss important e-mails sent via AIM, we encourage you to either:

  1. Add the domain "" to your safe sender list (click here for Outlook 365 instructions), or
  2. Regularly check your junk mail folder.



AIM Tutorial Videos


Requesting your Letter of Accommodation (LOA)

    Welcome to the Office of Accessibility at Winthrop University! This tutorial will show you how to request your Letter of Accommodation.

    A Letter of Accommodation, or LOA as we refer to it, informs a professor of a student's approved accommodations. Professors will not know if a student receives accommodations unless the student sends them a Letter of Accommodation. It is important to note that accommodations are not retroactive and should be submitted early each semester in order to take full advantage of your accommodations. Starting fall of 2020 and beyond, LOA requests will be completed in AIM.

    To begin, enter the Student AIM Portal link ( in the search bar. Login using the same credentials you use to access your Winthrop e-mail and Wingspan account.

    Once you are on “My Dashboard” in AIM, go to the first box that says “Select Accommodations for Your Class”. Under “Step 1: Select Class or classes”, place a check mark in the boxes that correspond with the classes you wish to receive accommodations for.

    After making your selections, click on the “Step 2-Continue to Customize Your Accommodations” button. You will be directed to a second page that contains your class information. In the “Select Accommodations” box, select the accommodations you would like to use for that class. Then, click the “Submit your Accommodation Requests” button.

    To verify your LOA request was sent, return to “My Dashboard”. Beside each class you selected to use accommodations for, you will see the word “Requested”. Also, you will receive a confirmation letter to your Winthrop e-mail account.

    If you need additional assistance with the Letter of Accommodation request process, please contact us via phone at 803/323-3290 or by e-mail at: Check out our other tutorials to learn more about AIM.


Scheduling an Exam Using AIM

    Hello from the Office of Accessibility at Winthrop University. This tutorial will guide you on how to use AIM to schedule an exam to be taken at the OA Test Center.

    Students will no longer use a Qualtrics form to complete Test Center scheduling requests. Now,
    exams can be conveniently scheduled in the Student AIM Portal. By using AIM, you save time! Your  personal and class information is already listed for you. Also, you can easily keep track of all your exam scheduling requests! No more wondering if you really submitted a request for your MATH test next week!

    To begin, enter the Student AIM Portal link ( in
    the search bar. Login using the same credentials you use to access your Winthrop e-mail and Wingspan account.

    Go to the "Alternative Testing" link found under the "My Accommodations" tab on the left side.
    Then, select the class you wish to schedule an exam for from the drop-down menu. After selecting
    the correct class, click the "Schedule an Exam" button. Once the page is uploaded, proceed to
    complete the information in the Exam Detail box. For "Request Type", select the type of assessment you need to take at the Test Center. Next, select the date and time. Remember that you must schedule your exam at the same date and time as your class unless you have a valid academic
    conflict. Then, check the box beside the accommodations you need to use for each test. The last box is an additional note section. You may add any notes that would be useful for the Test Center to know. If you are requesting to test at a different time than the class, this would be a good area
    to explain why. Click the "Add Exam Request" button when finished.

    As you are submitting your exam scheduling requests, we ask that you keep the request deadline in mind. Exam requests must be received seven days prior to the exam date. If you submit a request with a notice of less than seven days, you will be directed to a second page after clicking the “Add Exam Request” option. You must submit a detailed reason as to why it is a late request. Your
    request WILL NOT go through if you do not complete this step. Students are allowed one late request per semester. Any subsequent late requests will be denied and alternate testing arrangements will have to be made with your instructor.

    As a final note, please modify or cancel exam scheduling requests in AIM if the test is
    rescheduled, canceled, or you made an error. To do this, log in to your AIM account and select
    “Alternative Testing” under the “My Accommodations” tab on the left side. In the “Upcoming Exam Requests for the Current Term” box, click “Modify Request” if you need to correct an error or change the date due to the test being rescheduled. Once the corrected information is entered, click “Update Exam Request”. If you need to cancel an exam appointment, click the “Cancel Request” option found beside “Modify Request” in the “Upcoming Exam Requests for the Current Term” box.

    If you need any assistance with the Exam Scheduling Process, please contact us via phone at
    803/323-3290 or e-mail us at: