Frequently Asked Questions

    Please visit the request benefits page for information on how to use VA benefits at Winthrop.

    Each VA education benefit pays for different things. This chart gives an overview of those things. 

    VA Chapters Chart

    *Any questions about eligibility and what a certain benefit covers should be directed to the VA. 

    Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill, Active Duty (MGIB-AD)

    • For Ch. 30 students, you will receive a monthly stipend directly into your account from the VA. At the end of each month, they require you to Verify your attendance using WAVE or by calling 877/823-2378. Once Verified, it takes 3-5 business days for the transfer to occur. Chapter 31: Vocational Rehabilitation Training Program For Ch. 31 students tuition/fees will be taken care of directly by Winthrop's Student Financial Services Office and book charges through Winthrop's Bookstore. Ch. 31 tuition is paid to the school no earlier than two weeks after the beginning of the semester. You will also receive a subsistence allowance from the VA. Keep in mind that you may experience payment delays at the beginning of a semester, especially if you are a new VA student or new to Winthrop.

    Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill

    • For Ch. 33 students (Veterans and Dependents who have receive entitlement transfers), you will receive three separate stipends: one for tuition each semester, one for books each semester, and a monthly stipend for housing.
      • Ch. 33 tuition is paid to the school no earlier than two weeks prior to the first day of the term.
      • Chapter 33 book stipends are paid to the student at the beginning of each semester. Depending on when the VA receives/process your enrollment certification, you may not receive your book stipend until after classes start. It is a good idea to make other arrangements to pay for your books and treat this as a reimbursement — just in case it doesn't come in prior to the first day of class.
      • An additional monthly stipend is paid on the first of the month for the previous month. For example, your January stipend will be posted to your account on or around February 1. Keep in mind that you may experience payment delays at the beginning of a semester, especially if you are a new VA student or new to Winthrop. If you have an eBenefits account, you can view certification and payment information there.

    Chapter 35: Survivors' and Dependents' Education Assistance Program

    • Ch. 35 students receive a monthly stipend is paid on the first of the month for the previous month. For example, your January stipend will be posted to your account on or around February 1. Keep in mind that you may experience payment delays at the beginning of a semester, especially if you are a new VA student or new to Winthrop.
      • *NOTE: Ch. 35 does NOT pay for tuition.  If you believe you should be receiving tuition from the VA and are the dependent of a Veteran who is at the 100% disability rating, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.

     Chapter 1606: Montgomery GI Bill, Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)

    • For Ch. 1606 students, you will receive a monthly stipend directly into your account from the VA. At the end of each month, they require you to Verify your attendance using WAVE or by calling 877/823-2378. Once Verified, it takes 3-5 business days for the transfer to occur.


    *If you believe your payment is late, call the VA at 888/GI-BILL-1 (888/442-4551) to check the status. Call between 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday. You also can submit a question at and click on "Submit a Question".

    For Ch. 33 students, tuition is paid to the school no earlier than two weeks prior to the first day of the term.

    Chapter 33 book stipends are paid to the student at the beginning of each semester. Depending on when the VA receives/process your enrollment certification, you may not receive your book stipend until after classes start. 

    All other stipends are paid on the first of the month for the previous month. For example, your January stipend will be posted to your account on or around February 1. Keep in mind that you may experience payment delays at the beginning of a semester, especially if you are a new VA student or new to Winthrop.


    *If you believe your payment is late, call the VA at 888/GI-BILL-1 (888/442-4551) to check the status. Call between 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday. You also can submit a question at and click on "Submit a Question".

    This information is available in the rate tables on the VA's website.

    After you have filled out the Veterans Benefits Certification Request Form, the VA Coordinator will send you an e-mail confirmation once your enrollment has been certified. 

    *If you have not filled out this form, you can find it on the request benefits page

    In order to be certified with the VA each semester, students must fill out the Veterans Benefits Certification Request Form. This form can be found on the request benefits page. 

    Full Time VS. Part Time

    • The monthly Housing stipend/allowance is based on a student's enrollment status, which can range from full-time to less than half-time, depending on the number of credits taken.
    • A Student's enrollment status is calculated by dividing the enrolled credit hours by the number of credits considered full time (12 credits for undergraduates; 9 credits for graduates**).
    • NOTE: Remember that taking Off-site or Online/Hybrid Coursework may also affect stipend amounts. 

    Examples for Ch. 33 Post-911 GI BILL

    Fall and Spring Semesters - Undergraduate

    • 12+ credit hours - Full time status
    • 9 credit hours - 9/12 = .75 time status
    • 6 credit hours - 6/12 = .5 time status
    • 3 credit hours - 3/12 = .25 time status

    Fall and Spring Semesters - Graduate

    • 9+ credit hours - Full time status
    • 6 credit hours - 6/9 = .66 time status
    • 3 credit hours - 3/9 = .33 time status

    Examples for Ch. 30, 35, 1606

    Fall and Spring Semesters - Undergraduate

    • 12+ credit hours - Full time status
    • 9-11 credit hours - 3/4 time status
    • 6-8 credit hours - 1/2 time status
    • 1-5 credit hours - less than 1/2 time status

    Fall and Spring Semesters - Graduate

    • 9+ credit hours - Full time status
    • 6 credit hours - 3/4 time status
    • 3 credit hours - Less than 1/2 time status

    Summer Semester

    • Summer sessions at Winthrop vary between 8 to 1 week sessions.  Please contact the Veterans Benefits Coordinator if you plan on using your Educational Benefits over Summer for further assistance.

    **Graduate Students enrolled in FULLY ONLINE PROGRAMS should contact the Veterans Benefits Coordinator for more information on how their enrollment is handled.

    A student cannot be certified beyond his or her sophomore year unless a major is declared. Only "General Education" courses can be certified prior to the declaration of a major.

    In order for students to receive VA payment for coursework, each registered class must fit into their declared major program. The Winthrop University Catalog is the official list of courses that are covered under VA educational benefits. It is the student's responsibility to make sure that their registered classes meet the VA certification requirements if VA payment is desired. Charges for any courses taken outside of a student's major are the student's responsibility.

    • For example, a student may have fulfilled all their electives and would like to take an extra gym class. If the class cannot fit into his/her program's requirements, then the Veterans Benefits Coordinator would not be able to certify such a class. The student would then be responsible for payment of that class.

    This is known as "Dual Certification". The Veterans Benefits Coordinator first certifies enrollment for an upcoming semester before fees have been put on student accounts. Doing so helps students receive their housing and book stipends in a timely matter. If there are no fees on the student account, we report $0 to the VA and then go back and amend the certification after fees have been put on the accounts. Once fees have been posted, the Veterans Benefits Coordinator then amends all certifications with Tuition and Fees.  

    Yes, please contact the Veterans Benefits Coordinator the semester beforehand. They will send to the school of your choice what is called a "Parent Letter". This allows that school's certifying official to certify your classes so you can still receive your VA Educational Benefits. 

    If you have completed the Approval for Transfer Credit Form for the courses taken abroad (signed by your Student Services Coordinator), and those classes are in line with your degree program, the Veterans Benefits Coordinator can certify any TUITION and ACADEMIC FEES being charged through Winthrop University. However, the VA will NOT pay for fees associated with Travel, Room, and Board expenses under any circumstances.

    Yes, just keep in mind that these months will count against the overall number of months of entitlement you have.

    The Rules of Grades

    NOTE: All "rules" are enforced by the VA

    If you receive a "Passing" Grade

    • This includes any grade which allows for that class to give credit towards your Major or Minor Requirements.  In some cases students can even receive a "D" and still get credit.
    • If you "Pass" and receive credit, there is nothing else that needs to be done.  The only thing to keep in mind is that these classes cannot be certified again in the future (even if you want to take it again to raise your GPA).  The VA will not pay for classes you already received credit for.

    If you received a "Non-Passing" Grade

    • This includes any grade which contributes to your GPA, but unfortunately does NOT count towards your Major or Minor Requirements. 
    • If you take a course and receive and "F", "D", or "C" grade that is "Non-Passing" and does not contribute, those classes can be certified again. 

    If you have S/U'd a Class and received a "U"

    • This is not a grade.  A "U" is considered the same as Withdrawal from a course.  The VA requires "U's" to be reported.  If you received any tuition or course fees specifically connected to these classes, you will be responsible for paying the VA back for them.  The VA will send a paper bill in the mail to request it.
    • These courses can be certified again should you choose to retake them.  Also, if you received an "S" there is nothing else that needs to be done.

    If you have received a “UN” 

    • This is not a grade.  A "UN" is considered the same as Withdrawal from a course.  The VA requires "UN's" to be reported.  If you received any tuition or course fees specifically connected to these classes, you will be responsible for paying the VA back for them.  The VA will send a paper bill in the mail to request it.

    If you have received an "I" or Incomplete

    • As soon as they change, the above three rules apply.  Please remember that an Incomplete class is ongoing.  Students should not sign up for these classes again as they are still enrolled.

    This question is important for students receiving the Ch. 33 Post-911 GI-BILL and depends on several factors regarding what financial aid you are receiving. Please contact the VA Benefits Coordinator for more information.

    While Winthrop does not offer a reduction in tuition, we do participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program and honor Act 11. For more information on these two programs, click here.