Political Science

Message from the Chair

Disney Photo Closeup

Welcome to the Winthrop University Political Science Department. Political Science is the social science discipline that devotes itself to the study of power in its myriad forms, including the powers of the state (legislative, executive, judicial, military and bureaucratic) and the powers of civil society (social movements, interest groups, and political and civic engagement). The study of power also includes studying systems of political power, economic power, and ideological power, such as democracy, dictatorship, pluralism, corporatism, capitalism, socialism, patriarchy, and imperialism, just to name a few. Political Science subfields include American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Public Policy and Public Administration, and Political Theory.

The award-winning Winthrop University Political Science Department Faculty, recognized as experts in their fields, are a dynamic and talented group of teachers and scholars who enjoy exploring new ideas and sharing their passions with students and colleagues both inside and outside the classroom, through their coursework, advising of student organizations, sponsorship of campus-wide cultural events, and support of undergraduate research.

 The Winthrop University Political Science major is extremely flexible, affording students the opportunity to double major, double minor, and specialize in the disciplinary subfields that interest them the most. In addition, the Political Science department has a number of affiliated programs that provide unique opportunities for further engagement and employment, including the Model United Nations Program, the Center for Public Opinion & Policy Research (CPOPR), and the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy.

This web site is full of information we believe is helpful to prospective students, students considering changing to, or adding, Political Science as a field of study, and current students already pursuing programs in the discipline. If you have a question that you cannot find an answer to on this site, please feel free to contact us.


Jennifer Leigh Disney
Dr. Jennifer Leigh Disney
Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science
Director, Women's and Gender Studies Program