Political Science


Model United Nations- Model United Nations is a three day conference held at Winthrop University that brings High School Delegations and Winthrop students together. At the conference the students debate, discuss, and analyze critical issues relating to global politics. Information about the course and the conference is on the Model UN website.

West Forum- The West Forum was created by former Governor John C. West to promote civic engagement and leadership in South Carolina. The West Forum is housed in the Political Science department at Winthrop University.

Social & Behavioral Research Lab (SBRL)- The SBRL is a lab designed to introduce the student to the professional research environment. The SBRL website will provide contact information as well as information regarding employment.

Pi Sigma Alpha- An honors society for Political Science students. Read more about Pi Sigma Alpha.

Pi Gamma Mu- An honors society related to the Social Sciences. Read more about Pi Gamma Mu.