Healthcare Management: The Major

The Healthcare Management option is intended for students who plan to seek management careers in a variety of health service organizations including long-term facilities, hospitals, or acute care, outpatient management, physician practice management, and health insurance. The option is a strong interdisciplinary program which prepares students to manage the complex system of today's healthcare industry. The combination of theory, research, and practical experience enables students to enter a diverse range of healthcare opportunities as well as pursue graduate-level study in Healthcare Management or Business Administration.

Why Study Health Care Management?

As the U.S. population ages, and life expectancy grows, the need for healthcare services will also increase. Further, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has predicted that 16% of new jobs created over the next six years will be in the healthcare field. That's a higher growth percentage than was predicted in any other field. 

You can make a difference by helping manage a hospital, a nursing home, an outpatient clinic, a continuing care retirement community, a physician practice, a national association, a federal agency, a local or state health department, a consulting firm, or one of a variety of other organizations. You can make a difference by focusing in nursing, marketing, finance, operations, physician practice, public relations, fund raising, government relations, public health, strategic planning.the list is almost endless. That is why you should major in Healthcare Management!

The goal of the undergraduate program in Healthcare Management (HCMT) is to provide a conceptual and practical understanding of the healthcare services field, and help students develop communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills. The course work in HCMT emphasizes skills and training in both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of healthcare services. Students train in both healthcare AND business, making them more competitive when looking for jobs or graduate school.

The Healthcare Management program is a full member of the Association of University Programs in Health Services Administration (AUPHA) and the only undergraduate Healthcare Management program in South Carolina fully certified by AUPHA, a national recognition of the program's excellence!

Related Links

Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education

The Association of University Programs in Health Administration

HCMT Alumni Relations Newsletter (April 2024)