About Procurement Services

Procurement Definition

Procurement is the process of purchasing the proper requirement at the time needed and for the lowest possible cost(s) from a reliable source. 

Statement of Purpose and Mission

Procurement Services is charged with the responsibility of conducting the purchasing function in a manner which results in obtaining the most efficient and effective use of university funds. The conduct of university procurement policy shall be accomplished in accordance with ethical practices of the purchasing profession. The Procurement Services Office is organized to serve and facilitate the objectives of the university, to make commitments in a consistent and orderly fashion, to maintain accurate and detailed records regarding purchasing, and to foster a high standard of public relations within the university as well as university suppliers and the general public.


  • Achieve excellence in customer service by working closely with our end users, customers, and vendors to simplify and improve the process.
  • Adapt to the constantly changing environment of technology in order to better communicate information to the campus and community.
  • Maintain a customer service relationship which consistently exceeds expectations.
  • Support the statewide Green Purchasing Policy Initiative per the SC Senate Bill 1497 by purchasing products that minimize the harmful effects of their use and final disposition upon the environment by promoting and adhering to the university's Sustainable Procurement Policy.

Procurement Services Policy Statement

A properly executed purchase order constitutes a contract which binds the university. Only the president and his designees have the authority to bind the university.

Correspondence with Vendors

Contacts and correspondence pertaining to negotiations affecting purchases or prospective purchases which involve areas such as pricing, conditions, terms, delivery, or any commitment that could affect the purchase must be authorized by Procurement Services. Direct correspondence by faculty and staff is accepted practice on certain subject matter such as availability, technical information, instructional information, requests for literature, etc. Faculty and staff should refrain from any correspondence which may be interpreted as committing the university to a binding contract.

Our objective is to render the best possible service to all concerned within the university. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Procurement Code

The South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code governs expenditures of all funds regardless of source unless specifically exempted.