Students who would like to explore classroom accommodations from the Office of Accessibility may use the New Student Online Application to begin the registration process.
The Registration Process is as follows:
Students who would like to explore receiving an ESA as an accommodation will need to follow the current ESA guidelines and procedures established by OA and Residence Life.
If a student needs to explore housing accommodations due to a medical or psychological diagnosis/ disability, OA will work with Residence Life to explore options available to ensure access to this aspect of university life. The Disability Verification Form for Housing can be requested from OA and provided to the student upon request, for completion by their treating specialist(s).
NOTE: The Office of Accessibility will work with Residence Life to explore and recommend available housing options for students with a documented disability need. As residing on campus for a students initial two (2) years is campus policy, exemption from housing or release from a housing contract may be explored with OA and Residence Life when there is documented need, and no other options (reasonable or otherwise and not based on preference) are available for the resident student.
If a student needs to explore dining options due to a medical diagnosis/ disability, OA will work with Dining Services to explore options available through campus dining services to ensure access to this aspect of university life. The Disability Verification Form for Restricted Diet/ Food Allergy Form can be requested from OA and provided to the student upon request. Take the Residence Dining Tour to see the variety in dining options available.
NOTE: The Office of Accessibility does NOT approve meal plan exemptions, meal plan waivers, or meal plan reductions as those need to be requested through the Department of Residence Life only after: