Syllabus Insert

The ASC provides tutoring for a number of Winthrop courses. If tutoring is offered for a course you teach, we encourage you to include a statement in your syllabus and make an announcement about the tutor service available for your class. Feel free to cut and paste the information below and integrate it into your syllabus where you deem appropriate:

Winthrop University’s Academic Success Center provides comprehensive free resources for all undergraduate students seeking to perform their best academically. The ASC offers a variety of personalized and structured resources that help students achieve academic excellence, including peer tutoring, academic coaching and study hall. In addition to services within the ASC, other campus services (e.g., Writing Center, Language Learning Center, Library) are available. For more information, please visit the ASC website:

You can also contact the ASC at 803/323-3929 or with any questions.