Campus Terms

What they really mean, when they say...

ACAD 101: Principles of the Learning Academya 1-credit course required of all freshmen 

ACAD 300: A 1-credit optional course for transfer students offered online
ASC: Academic Success Center
Big Stuff: Winthrop's Mascot an Eagle who loves basketball and Winthrop
CAS: College of Arts and Sciences

CATS: Center for Advising and Transfer Success

CBT: College of Business and Technology
CESHS: College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences
CRTW: Critical Reading Thinking and Writing (pdf - 288 KB)a 3-credit course required for all students
CSL: Council of Student Leaders
CVPA: College of Visual and Performing Arts
DiGs: DiGiorgio Campus Center
HMXP: Human Experiencea 3-credit course required for all students                                 

HXCT: Human Experience/CRTW - a 3-credit course that combines Human Experince & Critical Reading Thinking and Writing - ONLY for transfer students coming in with at least 60 credit hours
IC: International Center
IT: Information Technology
TF: Transfer Fellows - leads groups during Transfer Orientation, serves as a mentor to transfer students, and hosts events for transfer students throughout the year
RA: Resident Assistant
RSC: Residential Success Coordinator
UC: University College
WPO: Winthrop Post Office Box (mailbox)