Digital Swag

From mobile and computer wallpapers to new WUmojis and gifs for Instagram, you can show off your Eagle Pride and freshen up your devices with some digital swag.

Phone Wallpapers

Download a high-quality mobile background to celebrate you’re proud to be a Winthrop Eagle!


Desktop Wallpapers

Update your computer or Zoom background with a Winthrop- themed backdrop!


Mom, Dad and Family Swag

We don’t want to leave anyone in the family out! Pass the word to your family members that they can have their own mobile and desktop wallpapers to 

Desktop Wallpapers




WUmoji Stickers

Spice up your Instagram stories with these stickers!



Search Winthrop in the GIF seach on Instagram or Facebook to add Winthrop flair to your stories or visit to see all of the options


Have a design idea that you’d like to see as some digital swag or a new kind of digital swag in general? Let us know your thoughts!