
Handshake is the online career platform for Winthrop students, alumni, and employers. Handshake is the #1 way college students find jobs and internships. The platform connects up-and-coming professionals with 750,000+ employers - from Fortune 500 companies to thousands of public school districts, healthcare systems, and nonprofits. Register for career fairs, employer information sessions, and special events!










Getting Started in Handshake


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Student and Alumni (Login)   Employer (Login) 

Privacy Disclaimer

In order to activate the services offered by Handshake, students must create a profile. Once a profile is created, students are given the option to make their profiles public or private. For students who choose the public option, recruiters will have access to the information provided in the profile, including personal data and work preferences. Since Handshake is a third-party career management system, if the public option is selected, Winthrop University cannot provide protections under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA.