Affinity Groups Subcommittee

The Affinity Groups Subcommittee will provide recommendations to the Council for creating affinity groups university wide. The purpose of the affinity groups is to support Winthrop’s realization of inclusive excellence across the institution, with focus on building community and recruiting and retaining talent.

The subcommittee will identify groups that are of immediate interest to the university, in addition to provide guidelines for faculty, staff and administrators who are interested in creating affinity groups which align with the university’s strategic goals. The subcommittee serves in an advisory role to each affinity group.



Amanda Stewart (Chair), University Advancement

Adolphus Belk, Political Science

Sara English, Social Work

Miranda Knight, Student Affairs


Current Affinity Groups

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) – Tomoko Deguchi, group leader

Black/African-American – Adolphus Belk, group leader

International – contact Amanda Stewart

Latinx – contact Amanda Stewart

LGBTQ+ – Amanda Stewart, group leader

Military Veterans – contact Amanda Stewart

Neurodiverse – April Mustian and Rachel Glover, group leaders