The Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) was developed to improve and simplify the process for completing and approving Personnel Action Forms for permanent employees.  Personnel actions that may be processed through the ePAF system include new hires, changes to employment terms, leave without pay, sabbaticals and ending employment for permanent employees.

Among the improvements realized by the development of the ePAF system are:

  • Ability to initiate or approve a PAF via the internet
  • Simplified format reduces errors
  • Electronic routing features result in quicker approvals
  • Easy tracking of a PAF during the approval process
  • Query and search capabilities
  • More flexible documentation for personnel files and employee notices
  • Increased security

For instructions on using the ePAF system, login and select the help option on the menu at the left side of the screen.

Authorized users may click here to login to ePAF.