Employee Dashboard

To access typical employee data, including time and leave reporting and approval, use the Employee Dashboard link on the Wingspan Home tab in the top right section labeled "Self Service 9x". This page will include items previously found on the Employee Detail tab.



Once you access the Employee Dashboard you can use the breadcrumb links near the top to return to previous pages.

      On the "Employee Dashboard", in the My Activities section, click the "Enter Time" button.
      Enter Time

      Work and leave details can be added via calendar or pay period view. Select the Timesheet tab then the view type.

      Select the date range below to access the specific timesheet.

      Select the day on the timesheet to enter hours. Typically, available days are denoted with a Purple bar through them. Then choose the Earn or Leave reason from the drop-down list along with the applicable begin and end time, then click the Save button near the bottom of the page. Exclude lunch hours in the actual work hours range.
      To modify an existing entry, click on that date, then click the Pencil icon to edit, the Papers icon to copy it to another day, or the (-) sign to delete the entry. Timesheet Tools Click the Exit Page link to exit from time entry mode.
      At the end of the pay period, open the document, then click the Preview button, verify information is accurate, then click the Submit button.

      Timesheets go through several stages during a payroll period.
      Not Started - At the beginning of each pay period until it is opened by the employee.
      In Progress (purple) - When the employee opens the timesheet to record work hours and has not yet submitted it for approval. Entries must be "saved" while adding them and "submit" should not be done until the entire pay period is complete.
      Pending (light blue) - Timesheet has been submitted to the supervisor and is pending for their approval. The employee can no longer enter or update hours unless the supervisor returns it.
      Returned for Correction (yellow) - The employee can make adjustments and resubmit
      Approved (green) - The supervisor has approved the timesheet.
      Completed (green) - Payroll has run and pulled in the timesheet hours for processing. No changes can be made to the timesheet at this point.

      Leave entered on a time sheet is not updated in your leave balance area until that time period has been processed by payroll. The payroll processing schedule is available on the Payroll webpage.
      Earned comp time will not show in the leave balance until the full work week where it was earned has run through the payroll process.
      Leave balances can be found at the top of the home page of the Employee Dashboard and detailed leave information using the supplied link.
      Leave balances

      On the "Employee Dashboard", in the My Activities section, click the "Enter Leave Report" button. LeaveReport

      Leave details can be entered via calendar or pay period view. Select the Leave Report tab then the view type.
      Select the date range below to access the specific leave report.
      Select the day on the leave report to add leave. Typically, available days are denoted with a Purple bar through them (when the report is "in progress". Then choose the Leave code from the drop-down list along with the total hours, then click the Save button near the bottom of the page. 
      To modify an existing entry, click on that date, then click the Pencil icon to edit, the Papers icon to copy it to another daty, or the (-) sign to delete the entry.
      After saving changes, click the Exit Page link to exit from entry mode.
      At the end of the pay period, open the leave report, then click the Preview button, verify information is accurate, then click the Submit button.

      Approval of work and leave hours is typically done twice per month, once around the 16th (for the 1st-15th of the month) and once around the 1st of the month (for the 16th-the end of the previous month). The actual approval deadlines for timesheets are listed on the payroll webpage for hourly (TH) and student (SD). The deadlines for approving leave reports can be found on the HR webpage. Due to special events, including holidays, student timesheet dates may not always end on the 15th of the month, refer to the payroll calendar for modifications to typical dates. While faculty/staff are paid the 1st and the 16th of each month, student check dates will vary, but are typically paid around the 10th and 24th of each month.

      Access employee's timesheet or leave report to approve by clicking the corresponding link in the My Activities section of the Employee Dashboard.

      Select options on the Approvals tab: Timesheet or Leave Report, Pay Period Date Range/Type, and the Status of the report (typically you would want to look for "Pending" reports) and the list will update.

      To view the details for a specific leave report or timesheet, single click the record or right-click the dots to the far right and choose Preview. timesheetapproveellipsis

      You can also verify the employee's available leave by choosing "Leave Balance" from the above option list.

      Once you are at the Preview stage, you can select to Approve the hours or Return for Correction. If you opt to return for correction, you will be required to enter a reason.

      The "Return" button will take you back to the previous screen.

    A Proxy is an employee who will act on your behalf as a supervisor/approver of time sheets or leave reports for your employees. You should only select a proxy that would be able to confirm the hours reported. The proxy will not receive notification that a time sheet or leave report is pending for them to approve. You will need to advise the proxy when you will not be able to approve and let them know which employee time/leave they will need to review and when the deadline is. Instructions below show how to add or remove a proxy as well as how to access time/leave records as a proxy.

      1. Access the Employee Dashboard.
      2. If you are a proxy managing time documents, click the Approve Time, Approve Leave Report, or Approve Leave Request
      3. Click Proxy Super User link in the top-right corner of the screen
      4. Under Existing Proxies, click Add a new proxy.
      5. Select the proxy's name from the list
      6. The proxy's name will now show in the Existing Proxies section.
      7. To remove a proxy, check the box to the left of their name and then click the Delete Proxies button.
      1. Access the Employee Dashboard.
      2. If you are a proxy managing time documents, click Approve Time or Approve Leave Report in the My Activities panel.
      3. Click the Proxy Super User link in the top-right corner of the screen.
      4. In the Act as a Proxy for section, select the approver's name and then click the button "Navigate to Time & Leave Approvals application".

    Employees have deadlines for submitting timesheets and leave reports. There are two pay periods per month, the 1st-15th and the 16th through month end.


      FS-Faculty and Staff (exempt)
      TH-Temporary and Hourly


      Due to year-end processing, leave reports for the fiscal year ending on 6/30 and the calendar year ending on 12/31 are typically expected to be submitted and approved as quickly as possible, sometimes prior to the end of that period.

    Employees may access details on current deductions/benefits, pay history, direct deposit details, W-4 details, and job history from the Employee Dashboard.

      1. Access the Employee Dashboard.
      2. Expand the PAY INFORMATION section by clicking the arrow to the right.On this screen you can view all pay stubs with detailed breakdown, view and/or update your direct deposit information, view deduction history by date range, processed via payroll.
      3. Expand the EARNINGS section to see gross earnings by position or date range.
      1. Access the Employee Dashboard.
      2. Expand the BENEFITS section by clicking the arrow to the right. The following options are available:
      • Current Summary - shows all deductions currently enrolled in along with premiums
      • Beneficiaries and Dependents - shows dependents enrolled in health benefits. This section does not reflect beneficiaries set up with PEBA for retirement or life insurance purposes.
      1. Access the Employee Dashboard.
      2. Expand the TAXES section by clicking the arrow to the right. The following options are available:
      • W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate - View and/or update Federal W-4
      • Electronic Regulatory Consent - Opt-in or out of electronic delivery via Wingspan
      • 1095-C Health Insurace Offer and Coverage Statement (ACA)
      • W-2 Wage and Tax Statement

The Office of Human Resources can be reached via e-mail at hrhelp@winthrop.edu for questions regarding this topic.